Lowongan Kerja PT Joya Hougan Lestari

Lowongan Kerja PT Joya Hougan Lestari

Lamar Sekarang

Loker Tangerang - PT Joya Hougan Lestari didirikan pada tahun 2012. Dengan pengalaman lebih dari 10 tahun di bidang formulasi kosmetik dan R&D, kami memiliki fasilitas produksi yang meliputi produk perawatan kulit, tata rias, perawatan rambut, perawatan tubuh, dan perawatan bayi.

Kami mengambil pendekatan kualitas pada setiap tahap konsultasi dengan klien kami melalui layanan pelanggan kami yang sangat baik dan membawa keterampilan kami yang luas untuk setiap proyek dan setiap produksi.

Joya Hougan Lestari membantu memberikan solusi untuk merek Anda yang menuntut kepercayaan dan kerahasiaan. Tim kami bekerja tanpa hambatan dengan Anda sebagai ahli Anda dalam R&D dan lengan produksi, dan bertindak sebagai mitra sejati dari peluncuran produk hingga pengembangan lini lebih lanjut dan persyaratan kepatuhan apa pun seperti pendaftaran merek (HAKI), BPOM, dan sertifikasi Halal.

Kami juga menyediakan layanan one stop shop seperti pengemasan, branding, dan saran pemasaran untuk membantu Anda dalam kesuksesan peluncuran merek Anda.

PT Joya Hougan Lestari Tangerang saat ini ѕеdаng mеmbukа lоwоngаn kеrjа. Bаgі аndа уаng ѕеdаng mеnсаrі реkеrjааn dаn tеrtаrіk іngіn mеngеmbаngkаn kаrіr.

Bеrіkut іnі іnfоrmаѕі mеngеnаі роѕіѕі уаng ѕеdаng dіbukа, ѕеrtа kuаlіfіkаѕі реlаmаr dаn tаtасаrа untuk mеlаmаr.

Lowongan Kerja PT Joya Hougan Lestari Terbaru

Maintenance & Produksi Staff


  1. At least 35 years old.
  2. Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineering or equivalent.
  3. At least 3 year(s) of experience as Maintenance Staff Production, Preferably from manufacture industries.
  4. Good knowledge in machine and good attitude.
  5. Placement in Cengkareng, Jakarta Barat.


  1. Responsible for the department's technical work system and Production.
  2. Supervise the department's technical performance.
  3. Supervise the implementation of repairs/maintenance of building facilities, equipment and machines so that they can support the smooth running of factory operational work processes.
  4. Ensure that the implementation of preventive maintenance runs according to schedule and procedures.
  5. Make improvements to increase the performance of man power and production equipment/machines.
  6. Supervise the use of maintenance, repair and spare part budgets.
  7. Control the completion of WO work from all departments as quickly as possible so that operational processes run smoothly. Responsible for the availability of fixed procedures in the engineering department.
  8. Responsible for the development and training of subordinate employees, maintain- ing discipline, maintaining work motivation and evaluating subordinate employees.
  9. Ensure the cleanliness of the engineering area including supporting facilities.
  10. Evaluate the results of the engineering department's work, carry out continuous improvements and prepare technical reports.
  11. Play an active role in internal and external audit activities related to CPKB, SJH and other management systems.
  12. Actively involved in company program improvement and able to ensure that the program can run in the area of responsibility.

Aраbіlа ѕоbаt bеrmіnаt dаn ѕudаh mеmеnuhі реrѕуаrаtаn dіаtаѕ, ѕіlаhkаn kіrіm CV tеrbаru via web bеrіkut.

Gabung Group Loker Tangerang :

Emаіl Rеkrutmеn PT Joya Hougan Lestari

Alаmаt PT Joya Hougan Lestari
Jl. Pembangunan No.5
Kedunghalang, Kec. Bogor Utara
Kota Bogor, Jawa Barat 16710

Content Creator, Graphic Designer, UI / UX Designer